Yomei Nikagetsu No Isekai Kenkouhou

Yomei Nikagetsu No Isekai Kenkouhou Manga


Alternative: 余命2ヶ月の異世界健康法 ; Another World’s Health Method with Two Months Left to Live
View: 116000 views
Author(s): Munakata
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen, Isekai,
Status: Ongoing

Yomei Nikagetsu No Isekai Kenkouhou Content

Meet Kaichi Takemura, aged 82. Owner of the Takemura Dojo and master of the Churyu Akai-Jutsu martial arts, he is now wheelchair-ridden due to severe lung cancer. He is estimated to only have two months left to live. Realizing his time on this earth is ending, Takemura creates a bucket list of things he wants to do before then, which he shares with his nurse Tokiko ...

Yomei Nikagetsu No Isekai Kenkouhou chapters