Her Appetite's Too Big For Me Alone

Her Appetite's Too Big For Me Alone Manga


Alternative: あの人の胃には僕が足りない ; Ano Hito no i Ni Wa Boku Ga Tarinai
View: 4200000 views
Author(s): Chomoran
Genre: Action, Comedy, Cooking, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, School life, Seinen, Slice of life, Supernatural,
Status: Ongoing

Her Appetite's Too Big For Me Alone Content

Funatsugi Maki is in love with a girl, who happens to have a voracious appetite. Little does he know, despite acting as normal as any middle-high-school-aged girl, she's actually an eldrich horror in disguise. Psychological horror and romantic comedy shenanigans ensue.

Her Appetite's Too Big For Me Alone chapters